

If you don't want to save too many physical images in your Obsidian library, this may be the simplest image hosting solution.

1. Applicable scenarios#

  1. Want to keep the Obsidian library in pure md format
  2. Don't want to directly put large attachments like images into the Obsidian library
  3. Want to achieve seamless embedding of images in the format [image name](image link)
  4. Want to be able to access large attachments such as images through the cloud anytime, anywhere
  5. Want to share with friends more quickly and conveniently instead of wasting time copying images

2. Required plugins#

  1. obsidian-emo-uploader
  2. You can download obsidian-emo-uploader from GitHub
  3. Or browse and download from the Obsidian community plugins
  4. If you are unable to download, you can leave me a message

3. Method steps#

  1. You need to have a free GitHub account first
    1. Register from https://github.com/signup?source=login using your email
    2. Take note of your username and the password you set
  2. Create a repository on GitHub
    1. Log in to GitHub using your registered account and password
    2. Click on the dashboard in the upper left corner
    3. Click on new
    4. Choose your account as the owner
    5. Enter a name for the repository, such as images
    6. Check public
    7. Click on create repository below
    8. You have now created a repository named images
  3. Create a token, which is a password token
    1. Click on the profile icon in the upper right corner
    2. Click on settings
    3. Click on developer settings in the lower left corner
    4. Click on personal access tokens on the left and select tokens (classic)
    5. Click on generate new token and select generate new token (classic) below
    6. Enter a description in the note, such as image library
    7. Select no expiration for Expiration
    8. Check repo below
    9. Click on generate token below
    10. Copy and save the generated token for later use (it may start with ghp followed by a string of characters)
    11. Note that this token can manage all the repos under your GitHub account
  4. Set up the emo-uploader plugin in Obsidian
    1. Choose GitHub as the target hosting in target hosting
    2. Enter the username of your GitHub account in owner, note that it is not the registered email
    3. Enter the name of the repository you created on GitHub, such as images, in repo
    4. Enter main in branch (note that sometimes the created repo may be on the master branch)
    5. Enter the string of characters starting with ghp that you generated earlier in token
    6. Enter a message or generate one from emo-uploader·Github in message
    7. Leave path empty, the images will be uploaded to the images/main folder
      1. Or enter a subfolder name followed by a slash, such as 2024/
      2. The images will be uploaded to the images/main/2024 folder in this case
      3. The latter is preferred for easier management of images by year
    8. Random filename can be checked
      1. It can be unchecked if you can ensure that the uploaded images do not have duplicate names
    9. Keep the default raw or choose another option for cdn
  5. Embedding images
    1. Or directly drag the image into the note
    2. Or copy the image and paste it into the note
    3. Note: The image will not be moved to the library
    4. Only a standard MD format link will be embedded in the note and can be previewed directly

4. Other uses#

  1. Embedding PDF documents
  2. Embedding audio and video
  3. Embedding any entity files you want
  4. photo by Joshua Hibbert on Unsplash
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.