

The simplest way to create fill-in-the-blank questions in Obsidian to reinforce memory

The Simplest Way to Create Fill-in-the-Blank Questions in Obsidian to Enhance Memory#

I. Principle#

  • Use community plugins to change the display method of fill-in-the-blank content, such as masking or blurring.

II. Plugins#

III. Settings#

  • Check Mask bold to make bold content (enclosed in two pairs of asterisks) become fill-in-the-blank.
  • Check Mask italic to make italic content (enclosed in one pair of asterisks) become fill-in-the-blank.
  • Check ==Mask highlight== to make highlighted content (enclosed in two pairs of equal signs) become fill-in-the-blank.

IV. Effect#

  • Fill-in-the-blank effect appears only in reading mode.
  • Editing mode is usually used to create questions.
  • For example, simply select the fill-in-the-blank content, then press one asterisk, or two equal signs, or two asterisks.
  • At this point, clicking on the blurred area will display the content, and clicking again will return it to the blurred state.

photo by Benjamin Salvatore(https://unsplash.com/@blue_butter?utm_source=templater_proxy&utm_medium=referral&fit=crop&mask=corners) on Unsplash

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